Environmental Policy

ART operates an environmental management system certified to recognised standards and as part of this system there is an environmental policy.

The aim of our environmental policy is to support the continued development of our schemes whilst maintaining a high standard of environmental performance in line with the ART development with care approach.

We recognise that our activities may have the potential to make a change to both the environment and local communities, and that it is our responsibility to maximise environmental benefits and minimise any adverse impacts arising from these activities.

ART makes every effort to ensure that any adverse effects of our operations are minimal on local residents. We conduct a substantial amount of work as part of the planning process to satisfy environmental requirements in order to achieve required local planning permissions and other regulatory consents for our projects. We adhere to such applicable planning and other regulator conditions and we conduct a range of compliance monitoring during the life of our projects.  All of our sites are operated to high environmental standards.

Our Environmental policy:

  1. The aim of the ART Group environmental policy is to support the continued development of our businesses whilst maintaining a high standard of environmental performance in line with our development with care approach.
  2. We aim to make a significant positive change to both the environment and local communities by delivering environmental benefits and minimising any adverse impacts that could arise from our business activities.
  3. We produce environmental management plans for each of our projects detailing how any significant environmental issues, such as noise, waste management and emissions to water or air are controlled.
  4. We are committed to continuing the achievement of the following environmental policy objectives throughout the design, development and operation of our projects and the operation of our business:
  5. To assess the environmental performance of our projects through a programme of audits and monitoring.
  6. To ensure continuous improvement of our environmental management system and maintain certification to the BS EN ISO 14001:2004 standard.  (Which is under construction at the moment.)